Getting on with the happy new year

>Busy, busy, busy. January has barely begun and already things are hopping around my house. Hubby is now officially retired but loaded up our camper all day yesterday. Mid-day we stopped to attend a New Year’s Day party at one of the neighbor’s.

Now that the Christmas company has gone, we’ve also been stripping the house of Christmas decor and packing for a trip. Hubby is going pheasant hunting with the dogs and I’m visiting with my sister. Just so our ancient cat doesn’t freak out, a neighbor is visiting her daily and keeping an eye on our place. Love that about our neighborhood. Always someone willing to help out and we try to recriprocate. (Thanks, Jeanne!)

When we return, it’s moving time! Packing and sorting will ensue. Somewhere in all this, I’ve got to get my edits done and turned in to my Red Sage editor. In addition, I need to revise another story and resubmit it and plan another project or two.

I’ve got to quit thinking about what’s to be done or else I’ll start panicking. Thank goodness for laptops and internet. I can keep up my online presence and work while away from home.

That’s a little about my current situation. How’s your 2011 going so far?

About Carol Burnside / Annie Rayburn

Carol Burnside is an award-winning author of "Sizzling romance with heart and humor." She almost always has a glass of sweet tea within arm's reach.
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2 Responses to Getting on with the happy new year

  1. Pam says:

    >So far, so good! I worked hard yesterday so I could take it easy today, my last day of a 2-week vacation. But I am going to spend at least a couple of hours working on my manuscript. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister!


  2. >Wow! You are super busy. I did do a large amount of "spring cleaing" and created a couple of spreadsheets I hope will help 2011 go a bit smoother…grin…Have fun on your trip!!!And best of luck on those edits. You can do it!!!!Tamit


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