>Words of Wisdom


I’d like to share with you a nugget of wisdom that I ran across recently. It’s from Stephanie Bond’s recent guest blog at PF&HT. I hope it gives you the same kind of lightbulb moment that I had.

Remember—people who seem to move through life with confidence aren't confident about the outcome of a decision; they're confident that they can deal with the outcome, good or bad. ~ Stephanie Bond

About Annie Rayburn/Carol Burnside

As an author of sizzling romance, Annie takes contemporary settings. and incorporates twists with sci-fi and paranormal elements.
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2 Responses to >Words of Wisdom

  1. >Yeah, I liked that point too!


  2. Cat Schield says:

    >Hey, that’s really great advice. My problem with making decisions is weighing all the options. I do too much of that. I don’t worry about the outcome, it’s choosing from amongst all the things that could happen. Typical LIbra.


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