Enjoying normal

There’s nothing like a house full of company to make you appreciate the quiet after they’re gone. All the same Hubby and I really enjoyed having our son, daughter, her boyfriend, my sister and nephew here for a few days.

I cooked and cleaned a lot, which means we also ate a lot. But that’s not all we did. We had a belated Christmas present opening, watched movies together, enjoyed old photos Hubby scanned into his handy-dandy new photo/slide/negative converter to digital gadget, some went horseback riding, did some trap shooting, and some of us enjoyed a spa evening. We packed those four days full! 

My menus were well received as evidenced by the small amount of leftovers. Yay! 

Since Tuesday, I’ve been stripping beds, doing laundry and as little cooking as I can get away with. We’re back to normal, except for the Christmas decorations which must be taken down this weekend. I love Christmas, but am sick of looking at the festive décor. I need normal again. 

On the writing front, I didn’t expect to write while everyone was here, but it’s been a struggle to return to writing every day. Even so, I’m determined to get words on paper every day, be it a little or a lot. It really helps me to have a spreadsheet to track my progress on. Because of the built-in formulas, the daily page count to reach my yearly goal goes up and up if I don’t input any daily word count. It’s a great task master and reminder of the consequences of procrastination. 

How do you stay on track with your life and goals? Do you have a daily To-Do List or many lists? Do you have sticky notes everywhere? I love to hear about the different methods others use to stay on track.


About Annie Rayburn/Carol Burnside

As an author of sizzling romance, Annie takes contemporary settings. and incorporates twists with sci-fi and paranormal elements.
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2 Responses to Enjoying normal

  1. Michele says:

    I’m glad you had a good time with your family, I was thinking of you. I’m having trouble getting back in the writing groove after the holidays. I used a spreadsheet with formulas during NaNo, perhaps I should do that all the time.


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