>Massive Turnaround

>This week shot all to hell the great writing momentum I had going. Several events came together to highjack my routine something awful. One of them (and the biggest impact) I wouldn’t change anyway. So, I’m bummed that writing progress was slow this week, but not unhappy with the week overall. Tomorrow is my local chapter meeting, so the day will pretty much be shot. I might get a few pages written on Sunday.

To be honest, I can’t blame the writing snag completely on outside events. At the same time, I hit a snag in HNWW (Husband Needed, Wife Wanted) and that was the WIP I’d been going lickity-split on. *sigh*

Oh, well. After Sunday, it’s a new slate, new week, and I still have a good shot at the 100 pages I set as a goal this month. Wish me luck!

Just curious… Do you set short term and long term goals? Do you obsess when things go awry, or do you dust yourself off and begin again?

About Annie Rayburn/Carol Burnside

As an author of sizzling romance, Annie takes contemporary settings. and incorporates twists with sci-fi and paranormal elements.
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3 Responses to >Massive Turnaround

  1. >Carol,I just posted on my blog about how I went out of town this week and left my computer charger at home. No writing for me…So yes, my short term goals for the week were completely shot because I couldn’t write on the computer. My daughter is getting married and one of her showers is today so today is shot.Like you, maybe I can get some writing done tomorrow.We’ll see.


  2. Cat Schield says:

    >Don’t you hate it when the real world intrudes? It’s been a crazy week for me too. And my daughter is visiting family so I should have gotten lots done. As for goals. I set them, keeping them is a whole different story. Lots of times I just use the long term ones as guidelines. Stuff happens, ya know? If I’m trying to work to a deadline, I make and keep short term ones pretty well. Hope you make your 100 page goal.


  3. Devon Gray says:

    >It was great seeing you on Saturday! I will sometimes impose a deadline on myself for works in progress. I try not to get too bent out of shape if I don’t make it, though. Life does have a way of halting our progress!


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