>Are you involved?

>Today’s post is inspired by Elisabeth’s over at Romance Worth Killing For, where she asks, “How involved are you?”

Some might say I’m too involved, even crazy. (Well, that crazy bit it a whole ‘nuther topic.)Others might say I could do more.

I’m in two chapters, had 2 jobs in one online chapter, one in the other. I cut back when the 2-job tenure was over to concentrate more on my writing. Then the local chapter had a position come open and really needed to fill it quickly. There’s a lot of exposure.

I knew I could do the job, so I agreed, knowing it’s long-term and will work into even bigger jobs. I cut back in other areas, but I still wasn’t prepared for the scope of the project.

This year it’s Programs Coord for our conference. With board approval, I advance: 2 years as Asst. Chair for the conference and the 2 yrs after, Conference Chair/VP on board.

We’re talking a 5-yr committment at nearly a full-time job and pretty much giving up any notion of ever entering a workshop unless you’re having to pinch-hit as a moderator. Plans for the next year conference begin before the present year conference has taken place.

But I’m in a large chapter. There are big perks to being in a chapter that mentors and has more published authors than most chapters have members. I’ve learned a lot.

Yes, I’m finding myself in a situation that could seriously hamper my writing, UNLESS I GET VERY, VERY ORGANIZED. I intend to do just that so my writing won’t suffer. I tend to get more done when I have a bit of a crunch anyway.

Each person has to decide what is right for them, what they can handle in their schedule.

There’s a lot of behind the scenes work that goes on in order for any of us to benefit from the programs and workshops and speaker presentations in our individual chapters.

My philosophy is: you get more out of anything you invest of yourself in.

What do you think?

About Annie Rayburn/Carol Burnside

As an author of sizzling romance, Annie takes contemporary settings. and incorporates twists with sci-fi and paranormal elements.
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4 Responses to >Are you involved?

  1. Mel says:

    >Hey, Carol,As for involvement, take it from me, a GRW Service Award person, it’s good but it’s not what we’re striving for. After 10 years of volunteerism, to be honest, I hide from it now. My hubby is VERY needy, and my kids are teenagers, so it goes w/o saying that I have to keep a close eye on them. It’s just best for me to focus on the actual writing, family, and friends. I’m busy enough with that!Hugs to you for all you do, though. I don’t think people who pitch in get nearly the credit they deserve.P.S. I blogged about category romance, and also about finishing my book! Nobody seems to find my blog, though. Waah!


  2. >Love your philosophy, C. RWA could not exist without volunteers like yourself who step up to the plate time and again to help out where needed. I have complete faith that you will be able to juggle all your duties and make time for your writing. :)And you’d better, because I want to walk into Borders and buy one of your books very soon.


  3. Carol B. says:

    >Mel, I’m not sure what you mean by “it’s good, but not what we’re striving for.” Do you mean ‘we’ as writers? If so, I totally get that. We’re supposed to write, to publish. However, if we write in a vacuum, we’ll never reach the audience, or at least not enough of them to sustain a contract. It’s the same with our blogs. It’s not a matter of “write it and they’ll flock to read it”. We have to get out there and seek readers and draw them in.I guess it’s involvement of another kind. 🙂


  4. >Hey, Carol! Good thoughts. I do believe you have to put something in to get something out. Sometimes, I’ve put more in than I got out, and that was draining. I’ve learned to take a step back and think about it before blindly agreeing to everything I’m asked to do. I love RWA and I want to give to my chapter, but I do have to balance it with the writing. Right now, I’ve no problems with balance. I hope I’ll know if that scale starts to tip and that I’ll pull back in time. 🙂


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