A Sunday Short

Just dropping by to offer you a thought for the day that goes along with my “submit, submit, submit” slogan for 2008:

You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer. You send that work out again and again, while you’re working on another one. If you have talent, you will receive some measure of success – but only if you persist. ~ Issac Asimov


Today’s Menu

Garden salad

Baked Basa w/lemon-herb seasoning

Steamed mussels w/a tomato-garlic-wine sauce

Fried, breaded okra

And – of course – sweet tea. 🙂

About Annie Rayburn/Carol Burnside

As an author of sizzling romance, Annie takes contemporary settings. and incorporates twists with sci-fi and paranormal elements.
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2 Responses to A Sunday Short

  1. Mel says:

    >Hey, Carol, Thanks for the comments on my sadly neglected blog. I’m glad people even know it still exists! Your menus sound great! I’m currently Weight Watchering it, so it’s carrot sticks and plain chicken or fish,and fruit for dessert. Heavy sighWhat’s that lemon herb you use? I could use some advice on baking fish. And love your list of mundane things. I swear, if I wasn’t forever running laundry, picking up dog toys and balling socks I’d get tons of writing done!


  2. Carol B. says:

    >Last night I used Old Bay seasoning with lemon & herbs. Hubby loved it. Another good one to try is Chef Paul Prudhomme’s Magic Salmon Seasoning. Delicious! And on any mild, flaky white fish, try a thin layer of light mayo spritzed with butter and sprinkled with lemon pepper.


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